What improves potency: popular home remedies

penis structure

The decrease in sexual performance is a natural phenomenon of aging and, to a lesser or greater degree, is felt by all men.

According to a large study by Bacon2006psr, just over 17% of healthy men over 40 years old show signs of impotence. It is clear that, for these people, the search for an answer to the question "what improves potency" is one of the first places in life.

There are many useful tips for people who want to learn how to increase power at home. Let's consider the most common recommendations.

How to increase power at home:

  • Eat pumpkin seeds. They contain essential fatty acids and zinc, which can be very useful in improving the functioning of the male reproductive system, in addition to increasing sperm production.
  • Ashwagandha, the rejuvenating herb of Ayurveda, is extremely useful in combating impotence. All you need to do is drink a mug of warm milk with a teaspoon of Ashwagandha root. This mixture should be drunk twice a day.
  • Avoid wearing tight underwear and prefer baggy pants over tight ones. This helps the skin to breathe and does not interfere with the normal flow of blood to the genitals. Loose clothes are one of the simplest and most natural home remedies to improve male potency.
  • If you want to have a child, don't spend too much time in saunas and spas. Heat reduces fluid production and decreases sperm fertility.
  • Stress can also be a major power killer. Learn simple and accessible relaxation techniques (yoga, meditation, breathing exercises).
  • You can practice the Kegel exercise system to prolong the duration of intercourse and increase the sensation of orgasm. It involves relaxation and contraction of the pubococcygeal muscle.
  • What improves power? A clove of common garlic. Chew three cloves of raw garlic every day. Remember to use oral deodorant afterwards. What good is a good power if the partner runs away, unable to withstand the "spirit" of garlic?

Means for improving potency: acupuncture

acupuncture for potency

Acupuncture is one of the unconventional treatments for frigidity in women. However, it can be a useful remedy for improving male potency.

In 1996, a research project on the use of acupuncture to treat male infertility showed that almost 75 percent of male patients experienced sexual improvement after acupuncture sessions.

In Chinese medicine, the kidneys are essential for the health of the body and the preservation of its essence. If you are anxious and tired, this increases the abnormal tension in the body. This, in turn, depletes the kidney's energy and affects its fertility. Therefore, the first thing the acupuncturist will work on is the flow of energy in the kidneys.

Other problems can be:

  • energy blockage in the liver;
  • overheating of the genital area.

They can all be cured with acupuncture. For people who have chosen this method as a means of improving potency and increasing fertility, it is advisable to have a semen test before starting the acupuncture course. And then another, in the course of therapy. In this way, it will be possible to assess whether the quantity and quality of sperm will improve.

The course usually lasts 10 days.

Remedies for impotence in men

drugs for potency

Most men have physical causes of potency problems. This makes drugs that inhibit the enzyme phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE-5) be the first candidates for the role of "emergency".

What do these drugs do? In simple terms, they interfere with the functioning of an enzyme that breaks down substances that promote erection.

Side effects of these drugs include:

  • moderate headaches;
  • redness of the face;
  • stomachache;
  • unusual eye disorders, including eye pain and color problems.
  • dizziness;
  • visual disturbances, such as eye discomfort, color perception disorders;
  • muscle pain;
  • nasal congestion.

Treatment of male potency with ginseng

ginseng root for potency

Ginseng is considered one of the most popular Chinese herbs, used to treat male potency, as well as to contain emotions and enlighten the mind. As an adaptogen, ginseng increases the body's ability to withstand stressful situations, improves performance and increases physical activity.

Ginseng contains ingredients called ginsenosides. They affect the central nervous system and the gonads, increase sperm count and increase sexual activity. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, a small Italian study of 60 men showed that Asian ginseng had a positive effect on penile erection and libido.

However, not all types of ginseng have the same effect on a person. Presumably, the most powerful effect is the expensive Chinese ginseng, "wild mountain root". For the treatment of male potency, you can also try the cheaper varieties of ginseng or Siberian ginseng (Eleutherococcus).

In terms of side effects, overuse of ginseng can cause:

  • rash and itching;
  • dizziness;
  • fever;
  • headaches.

In addition, this herb can sometimes cause insomnia, indigestion and over-stimulation of the nervous system.

Foods to increase potency: tasty and healthy products

tasty and healthy products

For centuries, people have been obsessed with looking for aphrodisiac foods that increase sexual desire and improve the quality of sex. There is anecdotal evidence that points to the "loving" benefits of certain foods.

It is not just men and women interested in aphrodisiacs who seek to increase their libido, increase the pleasure of intercourse or cure sexual dysfunctions. Teams of scientists and medical professionals carry out various studies to prove or disprove theories that have emerged among peoples and cultures around the world. The scientific community has come to the conclusion that various foods to increase potency are really useful for improving intimate relationships.

Here are some well-known foods that can improve your sex life:

  • Avocado:These fruits are rich in healthy fats, which are good for cardiovascular health. Avocado makes the heart beat faster, thus promoting blood flow to the right places for sexual arousal. Almonds: rich in zinc, selenium and vitamin E, which help maintain sexual health and normal reproductive function.
  • Strawberry:contains a lot of folic acid, which helps to reduce the level of sperm with the wrong number of chromosomes in men.
  • Seafood:over the years, oysters have been recognized as one of the most famous aphrodisiacs. This can be explained by the fact that oysters are rich in zinc, which has a positive relationship with sexual health. Fatty fish, like wild salmon and herring, are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which increase blood circulation. They have a positive effect on blood flow in Organs genitals, which helps to increase sexual activity.
  • Arugula:This potent food is full of antioxidants and micronutrients that counteract the effects of pollutants external to the body that can reduce erectile function and libido.
  • Figs:The high fiber content of this product has a positive effect on heart health, which in turn affects the functioning of Organs genitals.
  • Citrus:they are full of vitamin C, antioxidants and folic acid, all beneficial to reproductive health.